25 mar 5/5 – Zen coaching – introduktion workshop (gratis entré)
– med Tine Vindeløv och andra Zen Coacher
I denna workshop inbjuds du till att uppleva den djupa förvandlingskraft som finns i att lyssna närvarande och tillåtande – och till att återupptäcka mer av den underliggande positiva livskraften i dig själv och andra. Kvällen kommer att innehålla meditation och övningar två och två, samt frågeställningar. Stillhet, coaching-demonstrationer och samtal. Efter introduktionskvällen finns det möjlighet att få en Zen Coaching av en Zen Coach.
Relaxing in to being –
a Zen Coaching intro workshop
And an opportunity to receive a Zen coaching session from a Zen Coach
With Tine Vindeløv and several other Zen Coaches
This workshop is an invitation in to a meditative listening process.
Experience the transformational power of resting in curious allowance.
Zen Coaching is:
- a relaxed listening process that supports both the listener and the receiver to come home to this moment, and meeting every experience with curious acceptance.
- a meditation for two, with the intention to support you in living as the presence your are, in the deepest sense.
See more on The Zen Coaching webpage : www.zen-coaching.com
See what Zen Coaching gave others
About Tine Vindelev:
My passion is to inspire myself and others to go from fear and control-motivated living, to living and acting from awakened curious presence. I have been working with Zen Coaching for the last 5 years. I teach at the Zen Coaching training in Sweden and Poland. I facilitate and supervise the Deepening program for Zen Coaches togther with Kåre Landfald, and I offer individual coaching sessions. I have a Bachelors degree as a Psykomotoriker (Afspændingspædagog), a Danish education focusing on the relation between body and emotional life. I have had clients and facilitated workshops for the last 25 years.
You are welcome!
Smile from Tine
När: Torsdagen den 5/5 kl 18.30-21.30
Var: The Wellness Room, Malmö
För anmälan eller mer info: info@wellnessroom.se